Antonia Barnhart
Toni is a Hawaii based photographer who nabbed these shots on a Sept. 2002 Guadalupe Great White trip.

Steve Benavides
Steve is a native Californian with a lifetime of coastal piloting experience in the Channel Islands, Steve has been scuba diving for 35 years and is a certified Research Diver. He is a Director and past President of the Catalina Conservancy Divers. Steve holds a political appointments to several of the Department of Fish and Game Advisory Committees where he represents Southern California divers. He is a frequent contributor to California Dive News and had articles and photos published in Discover Diving, Pacific Diver, Skin Diver, Paul Human’s Coastal Fish Identification Book and many other publications. Steve has won dozens of awards in photographic competitions. A CPA by trade, he tolerates a regular job only so he can spend time in the sea with his family and believes diving is the most fun you can have with your clothes on. Steve resides in Irvine, California with his wife and four children.

Jim Brucia
A Guadalupe trip in Sept. 2002 led to Jim grabbing these shots of some great Great Whites.

Jay Canfield
Actively SCUBA diving for over 25 years and holding many certifications, Jay was born and raised in Southern California and has dived all along the coast from Baja to Monterey, including all of the Channel Islands. Among some of his international diving trips he has visited the sites in Hawaii, Cozumel, the Caribbean, and the Bahamas. Jay’s camera of choice is the easy to use Sea-life Reefmaster DC310 digital.

Guillaume Chanfreau
“Gui†made a journey down to Guadalupe Island to mingle with the Great Whites in the fall of 2001. These are some shots from that trip.

Roberto Chavez
Roberto is an adventurous technical diver/photographer from Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. He got these shots on a Nov. 2002 Guadalupe Great White trip.

Mark Conlin
A prolific photographer, and the “Stills Man†for Howard Hall Productions, Mark is a widely-published photographer with an impressive portfolio.

Bob Cranston
Well-known underwater film cameraman and still photographer. Bob has been involved in numerous underwater documentaries and has many of his stills published in magazines worldwide. Bob and Marty Snyderman originally started San Diego Shark Diving Expeditions in the early eighties.

Claire Davies
This charming Brit was a guest on one of our October 2002 Great White Shark adventures, where she amassed this collection of interesting shots.

Steve Drogin
Steve was the epitome of the experienced dive traveler. If there is a dive destination you’d like to go to – well, Steve had probably already been there 2 or 3 times. He’s was famous for his month long excursions to those exotic places most of us dream of. Steve shot these “up close and personal†photos on “the best Blue Shark trip we’d had in 3 years.†– Sept. 13, 1997
Dave Fleetham
Dave is a professional wildlife photographer based in Maui, Hawaii. He is widely published in diving magazines and has a special shark photo calendar on the market. For more of Dave’s work visit his web page at
Dave Haas
Dave is a pro photographer from Ohio, who got these photos during a Nov. 2002 Guadalupe Island trip

Howard Hall
Emmy award winning director, producer and underwater film maker. Howard and wife Michelle consistently produce quality documentaries and IMAX films. The Halls’ works are widely sought after by the media.

Richard Herrmann
Specializes in photographing marine life of the California & Mexican coasts, and their offshore islands. Richard’s images have appeared in many publications. In 1990, Richard was assigned as still photographer, aboard Calypso, for Jacques Cousteau’s Rediscovery of the World-Philippines Expedition. Richard has won major awards in two of the most prestigious photographic competitions in the world.

Jeff Hoe
Jeff is a scuba instructor and prolific shooter. He has been on many Blue and Mako shark dives and has had some very thrilling encounters with the fast swimming Makos. He has joined us on our expeditions to Socorro,the Maldives,Thailand/ Burma, and a Guadalupe Is. Great White Shark Expedition where some of these shots are from.

Ken Howard
Specializing in marine-related subjects, Ken markets his work via Sea Images, his stock photo agency, and his website:

Scott Johnson
Scott is a well published professional underwater photo-journalist. His images have appeared in many international magazines. His is intense in his endeavours to get “the†shot.
Don Kehoe
Don is a talented shooter who has just recently converted to digital photography. His passion is big animal action, especially shark diving. He has been on multiple Great White Shark Expeditions and Bahamas Tiger Shark/Great Hammerhead Shark trips.
Patrick Kelly
Patrick is a prolific shooter and has won several amateur underwater photographic competitions. Patrick prefers our 4-day expeditions to get the “best of Southern California†diving. He shot these photos during trips to Thailand & South Africa. He travels extensively to add unique shots to his library.

Todd Lovstrom
Todd is a certifiable “shark diving maniacâ€. He has been on several of our trips in California and took the big leap last year traveling half way round the world to join us on the last Maldives expedition in Oct ’99. His favorite subject while there were the many different species of anenome fish. Todd also does slide presentations to local dive clubs and schools in his local Tucson area. These shots were taken when Todd was a high school senior. Watch out for this budding photo pro.

Chuck Nicklin
Chuck is a local San Diego legend, as well as an Emmy-winning filmmaker. He leads trips all over the world in search of great shots.

Alec Pridgeon
Alec traveled from the UK to join us on a 1-day shark trip and got this shot of a nice 8 ft Blue Shark just as it bit down on the bait. Notice the white nictating membrane that protects the shark’s eye. Alec is an Orchid expert with the Royal Botanical Garden and quite the adventurer!!

Paul Reginaldi
Paul is an underwater photographer based in Frederick, MD who joined us for an unforgettable Guadalupe trip in Sept/Oct 2005 on board the Nautilus Explorer.

Klaus Reith
Klaus and his family were on a 4-day expedition in Aug., 1995 gathering some shots for the slide presentations and lectures he conducts throughout central Europe. These shots are from Klaus’ Apr ’99 trip to Socorro. Mantas all over the place.
Andrew Sallmon
Andrew Sallmon is a freelance underwater and nature photographer specializing in images of marine life and the marine environment. Hs love of the sea has taken him all over the world looking for ways to capture dynamic portraits of its creatures large and small. He hopes that through the viewing of these images people will someday learn to appreciate and understand the awesome beauty and fragile nature of the oceans and to ultimately change some of the detrimental practices of humankind toward the sea.
A native of California, he spends much of his time diving and photographing the rich temperate water of his home state but also travels abroad several months each year to create new images for his stock file. A Scuba Instructor since 1980, he picked up his first underwater camera that same year and slowly converted from underwater hunting to the challenges of underwater photography. It was the slower pace of observing and trying to approach marine life closely that helped him to see and understand the intricacies and miracles of the ocean ecosystems. As he learn to appreciate the living sea, his photographic skill also grew and now his is one of a fortunate few that earn a living as an underwater photographer. His work has been featured over the last few years in several books, magazines, calendars and posters. In addition, he is also one of the few underwater photographers on display at the Monterey Bay Aquarium.
Contact Andy directly for image license requests, underwater photo classes, photo expeditions, seminars and presentations. His web site is:

Marty Snyderman
A prolific underwater still photographer and lecturer. Marty was the cameraman on the initial installment of the Free Willy features. Marty occasionally does special digital imaging workshops on our Great White Shark trips as a guest presenter.

William Stableford
Bill was a guest on a Guadalupe Island Great White trip in October 2002. A hard-core fisherman when not in the cage, Bill was often spotted in the wee hours, holding a cup of coffee, a fishing pole, and wearing some stylish jammies!

Sarah Sundby
Sarah, a native of South Africa & world-traveling photgrapher, was aboard a November 2002 Guadalupe trip, where she got the White Shark shots, and she works as crew on some of the One-Day Blue/Mako Shark trips.

Darvy Traylor
Darvy took this shot during the best trip of the 2000 season to date on Apr 29.
There were up to 70 Blue Sharks surrounding the cage at one time, plus a couple curious Molas circling the cage to see what all the action was about. It was really wild!